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Virtual In-Residence Program


Virtual In-Residence Program (ViR)

 We will return in September after moving to Absorb. 

No further registrations are being accepted for Spring.



What is Virtual In-Residence?

The Virtual In-Residence (ViR) program is one of the two "in-person" options for modules in Civil Air Patrol's Education and Training program.  Virtual In-Residence provides members the opportunity to complete the moderated modules from home via a virtual classroom with an authorized Volunteer University Instructor. 


Please note that though our classes are taught on virtual platforms, the Virtual In-Residence program does not use cohorts. Cohorts are only used by students taking online modules through Axis.  Cohorts are NOT required for VIR classes. We cannot assist with questions about cohorts.

If you have questions regarding cohorts, contact your cohort instructor or the online chair for the level in which you are working.


ViR Administrative Staff 


ViR Coordinator: Capt Jennifer Kluzak

Virtual In-Residence Calendar

Under Construction, pending a new process on Absorb!


Squadron & Group Commander's Courses:

We accept interest in these courses throughout the year from eligible members. This system of interest periods is designed to tailor the registration process for the Command Electives better.  Typically, by the close date of the interest period, slotting (registration) for individual modules begins. Openings in a semester will be offered to registrants in the next interest period when they occur. We will support these projects while student interest remains to run the programs.  

Squadron Commander's Course (SCC)

SCC Fall 2024 Interest Sign-Up

Group Commanders Course (GCC) 

GCC Spring 2025 Interest Sign Up


This process will sunset in Jan 2025 and be moved to the Absorb LMS.

ViR Squadron & Group Commander's Course Program Director: Maj Brenda Morrissey


Level 5 and Region Commander's Course:

ViR is presently hosting two offset complete Level 5 Courses, one running January-December of each calendar year, the other August-July of the next calendar year. When instructor scheduling permits, the Region Commander's Course Electives will be held in conjunction with Level 5.  We will support this project while student interest remains to run the programs.  

ViR Level 5 Program Directors:  Col Elizabeth Sydow (Jan-Dec) Maj Brenda Morrissey (Aug-Jul)



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