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2nd Lt. Christine Klein - Florida Wing

Posted on December 14, 2023 at 6:50 PM by Virginia Smith

:  2d Lt Christine Klein-Iglesias (AEO at Homestead Air Reserve Base Cadet Squadron) receives her technician rating in Aerospace Education, presented by Squadron Commander, Lt Col Brian E. Crane.

2nd Lt. Christine Klein, AEO at Homestead Air Reserve Base Cadet Squadron, receives the Technician Rating in Aerospace Education, presented by Squadron Commander Lt. Col. Brian E Crane.

December 14, 2023

Meet 2nd Lt. Christine Klein, Aerospace Education Officer (AEO) for Homestead Air Reserve Base Cadet Squadron in Homestead, Florida. She joined CAP in June 2022 in support of her son, a cadet. "The program stole my heart as I witnessed the dedication, transformation and endless opportunities," she says, "not just for my own son and his fellow cadets, but for all that were involved." Though she has been a member for less than two years, she has enthusiastically embraced her service in CAP. "With the unwavering support, inspiration and mentorship from our squadron leaders," she says, "I was encouraged and motivated not only to teach within our squadron, but also to utilize the educational outreach programs of other entities and collaborate on the combined mission to further deepen the knowledge and understanding of aerospace education." This past spring, Klein and the squadron volunteered at Homestead ‘Wings Over Miami” Air Show. "How fantastic to meet so many amazing professional individuals and new families, to see some cool aircraft, to educate people on what we do, but ‘best’ of all, to see all of us come together as a team!" she says. A former kindergarten teacher whose family shares a passion for astronomy and space, she naturally gravitated toward the aerospace education mission of CAP. "The Aerospace Education mission speaks to me deeply, simply because of the broad spectrum of topics and the myriad of activities that can be incorporated," she says. "It is the most rewarding teaching endeavor I have been part of," she says. We asked her some questions about her CAP involvement, and her answers follow.

Please list your duty positions within your squadron:

Aerospace Education and Activities Officer, Homestead Air Reserve Base Cadet Squadron 
How did you get involved in Civil Air Patrol?

My journey with Civil Air Patrol started, as for many, supporting my own son, who became a cadet in 2021, in his ambitious goals to learn about aviation, aerospace and hopefully join the United States Air Force

2d Lt Klein enjoys helping cadets experience the wonder of flight, whether in one of CAP's powered airplanes, or in a glider, as seen here.

 The program stole my heart as I witnessed the dedication, transformation and endless opportunities, not just for my own son and his fellow cadets, but for all that were involved. Besides, we had found a new family within our squadron and haven’t looked back since.
How many years have you been in Civil Air Patrol? Tell us about your CAP career path that led to your current role.

It wasn’t long until I realized just how much CAP impacted our family, the possibilities it presented for teaching and inspiring future generations and the potential it held for so many others to do the same.

In June of 2022 I became an official senior member and my family’s shared passion for astronomy and space, naturally led me to seek out the AEO path.

With the unwavering support, inspiration and mentorship from our squadron leaders, I was encouraged and motivated not only to teach within our squadron, but also to utilize the educational outreach programs of other entities and collaborate on the combined mission to further deepen the knowledge and understanding of Aerospace Education.
Tell us about your career outside of Civil Air Patrol. How long have you been in this field, and why did you choose it?

Ever since I met my kindergarten teacher, I knew I wanted to be a teacher myself, and upon receiving my professional education in Germany and graduating with a degree in Early Childhood Education, my journey took me across the Atlantic to start a new life here in the U.S.

My official teaching career gave way to our homeschool life 11 years ago, and I currently teach my ninth- and first-grader.
Within CAP, why do you work in the Aerospace Education mission area? Why do you encourage youth in the Aerospace Education area?

The Aerospace Education mission speaks to me deeply, simply because of the broad spectrum of topics and the myriad of activities that can be incorporated. It can unlock the potential in all of us, but especially our youth, to choose paths that they may otherwise never consider taking. It brings the possibility of becoming an astronaut, a pilot, an engineer or cyber defense specialist etc., within reach and gives them a road map to pursue and follow these dreams.

It is the most rewarding teaching endeavor I have been part of. Seeing the enthusiasm and excitement on Rocketry Launch Day, to learn and build together on STEM Day, or to see the pride of our CyberPatriot Team being rewarded for all their hard work, is unmatched.
What is the best CAP experience you have had since joining the organization?

Well, that’s a truly difficult question…I will have to settle on two. They stand out the most.
First was going on field trips with our cadets to delve into astronomy. We received a Celestial Navigation Class and Night Sky Viewing Opportunity from The Southern Cross Astronomical Society, and we visited The Astro Science Center at Florida International University, where we received a tour of the center’s control room and learned about remote controlled telescopes. Our tour guide was the Astro Physicist Dr. Jim Webb, who also gave a talk on “How to Greet an Alien”.
Second was volunteering at the Homestead ‘Wings Over Miami” Air Show this past spring. It was two very long, very hot days for our squadron, but truly incredible! How fantastic to meet so many amazing professional individuals and new families, to see some cool aircraft, to educate people on what we do, but ‘best’ of all, to see all of us come together as a team!
What is the best advice you have for a new AE Officer working with cadets?

It’s crucial to get to know your cadets, what their goals and dreams are and where their interests lie. It will help set the tone for the activities you will focus on, incorporate and/or other curricular activities you can offer.
Do you have any suggestions for how to conduct outreach in schools (working with students and/or recruiting AEMs)?

Reach out to teachers and tutors you already know. Offer short informative sessions at your local homeschool CO-OPs, libraries, astronomy clubs, rocketry club, etc. They are a great place to start. Most of them are involved in the community already. They are well-connected to teacher circles and can help connect you as well. They may also have individuals or outreach programs that can help you internally by giving talks and courses to your squadron.

Reach out to local universities and colleges. Many of their departments, such as Physics, Aeronautics, Engineering, etc. have outreach programs, days or activities.

Engage your own cadets. Encourage them to have an informative talk about CAP at their own school. This will not only raise awareness but also help with public speaking skills.
Is there anything else that we did not ask that you would like to mention?
Positive influence and inspiration can happen at any time in one’s life. We may be the giver or the receiver. Either way, we ought to be flexible when teaching and patient when learning!

Lt Klein assists cadet with building a rocket

AEO Klein assists a cadet with a model rocket build.

Lt. Klein's husband, Vince, and son Lukas are both also CAP members. Also pictured is son Ari, who is not yet old enough to be a cadet.


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