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Cadet Adventure

Today's cadets want to participate in exciting, hands-on learning.  Adventure education is a form of experiential learning that takes learners out of their normal comfort zone to challenge their bravery and form their character in a fun, supportive way. More than lectures, readings, and tests, learners tend to remember and even cherish meaningful experiences. These are the ideas behind Cadet Adventure.

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The Cadet Adventure program is a form of experiential education. Experiential education is defined as

The process of actively engaging students in an authentic experience that will have benefits and consequences. Students make discoveries and experiment with knowledge themselves instead of hearing or reading about the experiences of others. Students also reflect on their experiences, thus developing new skills, new attitudes, and new theories or ways of thinking.*

Cadet Adventure Learning Outcomes

Increased self-efficacy

  • I am stronger and braver than I had imagined

  • If I can succeed in this challenge activity, I can do anything

Physical and mental wellness

  • I am supported by friends & leaders who care

  • My experience of being cared for makes me want to care for others

Proactive risk management

  • I am developing the life skills and process habits needed to keep myself safe

* Kraft, D. & Sakofs, M.M., eds. (1988). The theory of experiential education. Association of Experiential Education.

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