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Registration Zone - March 2024 Archive

Key Milestones **Updated** (March 21, 2024)

Key Milestones **Updated**

Release 1 - Basic Features (Available early November): This initial release focuses on essential features, including administration management, event setup, self-service customization, and attendance tracking. Members can use it for events without payments or health information starting in early November.

Release 2 - Payments (Early Spring): This release introduces payment management, allowing fee setup and online payments directly into the sponsoring units financial institutions, enhancing user convenience.

Release 3 - Parent or Guardian Registration (Late Spring): This release extends the application's reach to parents and guardians, enabling them to register their children for events, manage accounts, and more.

Release 4 - Medical Integration (Summer): The final release integrates the application with health information necessary to participate in events, streamlining the capture and secure management of health-related information.

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