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Compliance Inspection Information

Current: 1 Jul 2024 - Where appropriate, made a global change to all CI worksheets to clarify compliance elements for regions as well as wings (e.g., worksheet C3, question 8, clarified question for regions as well as wings); worksheet B1 (cadet programs), question 7, clarified the term "units" to include cadet squadrons, composite squadrons, and flights; worksheet E3 (inspector general), question 9a marked as NA per the July 2024 edition of the IG Audience.

1 May 2024 - CI Report Template: changed the discrepancy totals to add up regular and repeat discrepancies, and corrected page numbering and CI/SAV footer; worksheet E1 (Commander), question 4 - clarified what documentation is to be uploaded for this question; worksheet E1 (Commander), question 18 - changed verbiage to match compliance elements in CAPR 60-2.

1 April 2024 - Report template updated to allow "sticky notes" to be added to comments; Worksheet C2 - Communications worksheet questions and compliance elements changed to align with CAPR 100-1 compliance elements.

1 February 2024 - Updated In-Brief ppt template.

1 December 2023 - Updated CI report template to change the NHQ POC on page 40.

1 November 2023 - Worksheet A1 (Aerospace Education), questions 1 and 3 updated to add the deadline for report submission; Worksheet B1 (Cadet Programs), question 12 updated to clarify the requirement for encampment continuity files; Worksheet C4 (Aircraft Management), question 2 updated to reflect changes in the recent Interim Change Letter, question 4 updated to reflect changes in AMRAD, question 6(h) updated to correct wording on discrepancy 6(h); Worksheet D8 (Transportation), question 6 clarified that the Form 73 is not required for trailers.

1 October 2023 - Worksheet C4 (Aircraft Management), clarified wording of question 1(a) and 1(b).

1 September 2023 - Worksheet C4 (Aircraft Management), corrected question 1(a) and (b) to remove wording about "Was it approved per the regulation prior to implementation."; Worksheet E2 (Safety), corrected question drop down boxes that duplicated answers; and Worksheet E3 (Inspector General), removed reference to "IO" from question 10.

1 August 2023 - Updated position description on worksheet D1 to correct title.  Now reads "Director, Education and Training."



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 All Wings

  1. For a CI, use the inspection worksheets found in the Documentation folder.

  2. Fill out the worksheets as complete as possible. When the worksheet has a documentation requirement, you will need to upload the required document in the TAB for for that worksheet.

  3. Contact your Wing CC, IG or Wing Administrator to upload the worksheets to their respective TABs in eServices.

  4. Unit Inspection information is provided to identify units that are subject to Survey Audits for the D-7 Supply  and C-2 Comm Worksheet.


 All Inspectors

 1. Conduct the inspection using the CI worksheets:

2. Determine TAB grade using the Grade Res Calculator:

  • Grade res calculator is found on the right 

  • NOTE:  The Grade Res Calculator requires Excel 2010 or later


3.  Upload the following to the eServices team documentation folder: 

  • completed worksheets

  • discrepancy supporting documentation, pictures, etc.

  • commendable supporting documentation, pictures, etc.


CI Team Chiefs

  1. Completes the report by copying and pasting worksheets results into the report Team Chiefs runs the Grade Resolution Calculator to determine mission and overall ratings.

  2. Team Chiefs ensure Grade resolution is completed.

  3. Team Chiefs upload the following to the eServices team documentation folder:

  • Completed report

  • Completed worksheets

  • Supporting documentation, pictures, etc. for discrepancies if available

  • Supporting documentation, pictures, etc. for commendables if available

  • Provides a draft copy of the report to the commander of the inspected unit



1. Blank CI Worksheet (to be uploaded by the wing in eServices/Inspector General/Documentation

2. Blank CI report.

3. Directions on how to upload documents into eServices for CI Documentation.

4. CI grade resolution calculator

5. CI process checklist

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